
Innovation Creates Success


Fuse Flash 3/26/14

Dear Fusers,

Our newly reinstated action teams have already excelled all expectations. The excitement and momentum each committee member brings to the table is a testament to the hardworking millennial demographic that is so easily underestimated. The future of Fuse is looking bright as new, inspiring ideas are put forth each day.  

I would especially like to highlight our Social Media Action Team, chaired by KBJR Weatherman Adam Clark. With new goals in place and Adam as our leader, Fuse's social presence has lifted off to unprecedented success thanks to this great team. We are looking forward to continuing the YPro conversation online through blogging (thanks Britt for our latest blog!), Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. I encourage you to connect with us on these networks by following each link provided above. Also, if you wish to receive Fuse emails, click here to sign up.
I also invite you to let me know of your interest in how to get involved in the Fuse initiative. Our Social Media and Events Action Teams are full, but two Action Teams still need participants: College Connection and Volunteer Focus. It's your time to join the momentum.
Grow. Connect. Fuse.
Martha Bremer
Director of Fuse Duluth
mbremer@duluthchamber.com  |  (218) 740-3754


A Birthday Party to Remember

The Fuse Birthday Bash is one of our biggest events each year – and for good reason considering all of the coordination that goes into it. If you weren’t there, you’re in luck because in about 360 days we’ll be having another! In the meantime, here’s a little of what you missed.

Last Thursday over 75 Fusers and area community leaders got together to celebrate Fuse, indulge in food and drink, and establish connections with other like-minded networkers. Grandma’s Sports Garden (as usual) presented an amazing backdrop to the celebration with their expansive space and awesome staff. Although the weather still wasn’t Spring like, the sunset views of the harbor were wonderful amid the drinks and delicious food.
Back by popular demand, our prize wall was one for the books. All the prizes sold out with some of the biggest ticket items including local hotel stays, fantastic restaurant gift cards, locally made shoulder bags, and craft beer growlers. (See full list of donors below.)

The newly reinstated Fuse Events Committee is just getting started on creating the best Fuse events ever. The committee will meet monthly to coordinate topics, speakers, venues, food and activities. And will lay the groundwork for Fuse events like the Words from the Wise luncheon series, the annual young professional’s conference, and annual Beachfront Blues, by planning, coordinating and recruiting.  

Sound interesting? We’re currently looking for volunteers for this and other Fuse committees. To hear more about what volunteering entails and the resume benefits, email Fuse Director Martha Bremer at mbremer@duluthchamber.com.

Brittney Hanson, Chair Fuse Duluth Events Committee



Thank you, Rachel!

Fusers, join us in thanking dedicated Leadership Council Member, Rachel Malone, for donating her time to Fuse.  Rachel enthusiastically staffed the Fuse booth for Duluth & St. Louis County at the Capitol event on Wednesday, March 12th.

Throughout the day, Duluthians and Northeastern Minnesotans met face-to-face with legislators from all over Minnesota. The same evening, legislators and their staff join the contingency at an informal reception designed to promote continual dialogue. As a result of this event, lawmakers at the Capitol hear about our region's legislative initiatives directly from voters. This was an extremely important initiative for Fuse to be involved in, and we were lucky to have such a great lady representing our mission and regional young professionals.

For a recap of the event, read on here. Otherwise, check out Facebook for plenty of cool photos.



Millennials are the Future of the Workforce

Researching millennials will result in a plethora of negativity. The perception of generation Y in the workforce is dismal and discouraging. “Millennials are lazy”, “millennials feel entitled”, “millennials are a what-have-you-done-for-me-lately generation.” The overall opinion is that our parents’ success has led to our “failure” and because we had all the essential things we needed growing up, our ambition has been tarnished.  I am baffled by the pre-determined description of the up-and-coming talented, hardworking, ambitious professionals that I work with daily. I believe the stereotype couldn’t be further from the truth.

Generation Y has not had an easy transition into the workforce. Millennials typically start their careers with crippling student loan debt. The average college debt in Minnesota is a whopping $29,800 as reported in a June 2013 Star Tribune  article.  Millennials are accepting entry level jobs with salaries that barely cover their monthly loan payments. We are also faced with soaring housing costs, making dual earning relationships work, and rapid technology changes. Too often, young adults are judged for adapting to these negative conditions—which causes many to miss the hopes, ideals, and positive qualities that arise in the face of these challenges.

My experience as a millennial and working with millennials has taught me this about our generation: Millennials are tech savvy, diverse, connected, and are activists for personal rights. Even despite a poor economy, millennials strive to give back to society. 81 percent have donated money, goods or services, a study by Walden University and Harriss Interactive reported. We strive to support causes that align with our personal values.  

I encourage you to dismiss the negative stereotypes surrounding this generation.  Millennials are having a positive impact on our culture, workplace and government and should be recognized for their efforts. Support them so they are able to help revive the economy and build a better place to live and work.

Millennials are the future of the workforce; mentor them, encourage them, hire them and most importantly respect them.

Martha Bremer, Director of Fuse Duluth
mbremer@duluthchamber.com  |  (218) 740-3754



Reaching for the Stars - Setting Goals for Fuse Duluth

Dear Fusers,

I am excited about the future of Duluth! My first three weeks as Director of Fuse have been very informative and inspiring. I have met dozens of new people and the commonality amongst them is a passion for our amazing city. Duluth's millennials are driven, motivated and care about the economic development of our community. I am honored to work with these professionals to organize and grow the Fuse program.  

My initial goals include:  
  1. Structuring the Leadership Council with terms and expectations. This will allow a regular rotation of talented insight and professionals consistently involved with the development of Fuse.  
  2. Reinstating committees with specific focus on different vital areas of the Fuse program including Social Media, College Connection, Volunteer Opportunities and Events. Committees will allow select Leadership Council members to work with volunteer teams to produce measurable growth and awareness of this incredibly important program.  
  3. Continuing to offer fun educational events that result in life long connections and opportunities for young professionals in our area. 

Please email me if you are interested in getting involved. Fuse is a great way to build your career and strengthen Duluth! 

Martha Bremer, Director of Fuse Duluth
mbremer@duluthchamber.com  |  (218) 740-3754