
Meet Lindsey Dueland

How well do you know the movers and shakers of Duluth? Meet Lindsey Dueland, Chair of the Fuse Volunteer Focus Committee and Financial Solutions Consultant at Members Cooperative Credit Union. Lindsey is an outstanding example of a young professional who is inspiring others to volunteer within our community.

What have been the benefits of being involved with Fuse Duluth for you?
Benefits of my Fuse involvement: Learning how to network, helping me break out of my shell, meeting other young professionals in the area, learning more about Duluth itself and learning to really love and appreciate it regardless of the cold.

Why are you passionate about Project Party? 

I am passionate about Project Party because I am passionate about people. Everyone needs to feel they are loved and important and this is one way to do that.

Why should young professionals volunteer? 
Giving back to your community is of the utmost importance. Community can’t happen if we live detached. Volunteering gives a us that sense of community as opposed to simply donating monetarily. There is a fulfillment you get from volunteering that you can’t get anywhere else.