
Help Us Defining the Housing Needs in Duluth

Fuse is on a mission to define the growing need for affordable housing in our beloved community. Whether you are single and looking to rent an apartment downtown or a family of six looking for a new home in a quiet neighborhood for over $500,000, we want to hear from you.

 Fuse is proud to be partnering with 1Roof Community Housing and Duluth LISC to create a valuable survey to define who, what and where the needs are. This is your chance to be heard, define what Duluthians are looking for and encourage appropriate development in the areas that you want to live in. We encourage you to take a few minutes to help distinguish our communities housing needs.

Follow the link to the survey that best applies to you>>>     Property Renter     Home Owner


Fuse Gives Back

Give back, get ahead. The title for Fuse Duluth’s latest Words From the Wise luncheon couldn’t be more accurate. Echoed in the sentiments from the experienced panelists, giving back helps you get ahead, in every aspect of your life.

On May 8th, Kraus-Anderson Construction graciously sponsored our wide array of panelists and delicious Blackwoods meal. Speaking on behalf of their expertise was Adam Sundberg from COGGS, Valerie Clark from Goodwill Duluth, Liz Pawlik from the United Way, and John Scott from DSGW Architects.

Beginning by describing what ignited their passion for volunteering, Scott summed it up best when he said, “… you had a purpose and a need.” As an individual you have a purpose in life, it may be your career, it may be your family, but it may lie outside of that and could be volunteering. Once you can identify your purpose, you have a need to fulfill your purpose. These feelings and callings can ignite your passion for volunteering, whether you know you have it or not.

The panelists were asked how to find the right volunteer position. What resources do they use to discover new opportunities or what resources are available to help capitalize on an idea for a new opportunity. Pawlik identified the Volunteer Center website (www.volunteerduluth.org) as a comprehensive list of opportunities, organizations, or events happening in Duluth.

The panelists reflected that once they found their passion, they needed to find the right balance between work, personal, and volunteering. Scott found that if he participated in activities that didn’t compromise his work but supplemented his life, they were the right activities for him. Clark mentioned that her passion led her to make volunteering her career, by working for Goodwill Duluth, she can balance her personal life with her passion for her career and her dedication to giving back.

An audience member asked if the panelists are seeing a trend toward increased volunteerism or decreased participation, in Duluth. Pawlik summarized by saying the trend seems to be for that one-day, one-time, feel-good opportunity. Participants want to do something good but are satisfied after an 8-hour day. While there are needs for all types of volunteers, the individuals that have the passion to become a long-term, devoted volunteer are the individuals that keep organizations and non-profits alive.

At Fuse Duluth, we believe that those long-term, devoted volunteers are the individuals that also keep Duluth alive. To help ignite the passion for volunteering and giving back, Fuse Duluth has formed a Volunteer Focus Committee. Their aim is to provide opportunities for Fuse members to dip their toes in the volunteer pool, before jumping head first.

For our first activity, Fuse has formed a team of people to help participate in the United Way Day of Caring. On June 25th, members will be gathering from 8AM to 12PM at the Depot, to help clean the train tracks and the lake walk. If you are interested in getting involved or in learning more about the event, please contact Fuse Director Martha Bremer  or Volunteer Focus Chair Rachel Malone.

For further recap of the event, check out Fuse Duluth’s Twitter page, where the event was Live-Tweeted. Follow us at @fuseduluth for future events and all of your Fuse Duluth news.

Rachel Malone
Fuse Duluth Leadership Council
Compudyne, Inc.