
Reach the Millennial Demographic

Companies around the world are putting their effort, and money, into learning how to best reach their future lifeblood - the Millennial Generation.  For a demographic that's grown up surrounded by technology and social media, traditional methods may fall flat.  Struggling to stay relevant to this demographic and to quickly adapt to new, ever-changing marketing trends, companies are searching for the best opportunities.  Enter Fuse Duluth.

As the Twin Ports' premier organization for young professionals, Fuse consistently reaches the 20-to-40 year old crowd through our events and communications.  Many high-visibility, low-cost opportunities exist within Fuse to reach this lucrative demographic.

Possibilities include:
  • Advertisements in our Fuse Flash e-newsletter, sent to over 1,400 recipients
  • Banner advertisements featured on our new website
  • Event and corporate sponsorships
    • Yield numerous forms of promotion through Fuse Duluth website, social media, Duluth Chamber event page, Fuse Flash e-newsletter, Chamber Week at a Glance email, and presence at a sponsored event
Align yourself with a valued community program while making a local impact.